Friday, January 21, 2011


1. it makes us less productive since it creates many distractions and in turn we don't stay on task, then again this is an opinion question and it can go either way, it can be more productive especially if your job involves computers and technology. it goes both ways and depends on the situation so therefore i cant answer the question since there's not enough detail.

2. the consequences depends once again on the situation.... the obvious ones are that you loose the other task or forget what you were doing. or you die from calling while driving (example) the consequences depends on whether you switch back and forth the tasks quick enough or if you wait to long then the consequences will present themselves.

3. yeah its true younger generations don't know many things in depth.... the Internet lets us gain a lot of pointless/useless/interesting facts and information about everything and we care more about learning a lot of little things instead of learning the whole story...... technology is at a unfair balance for the world. there's nothing to counter the effects. example... video games creates laziness but they're very appealing to the younger generations and exercise isn't as appealing... if there's to be a difference you need to start a new trend. young people may not know much in depth but we know a lot more about everything and i think that's better to know a lot of small things instead of a few in depth things

Monday, December 6, 2010

Is about what wikileaks does and where the money from it comes from, it’s a non profit organisation and all the money comes from donations.  They release “cables” of information about any government and the inner workings. The governments say its sensitive information even through it’s on a computer and any moron knows computers get hacked….. I personally don’t think its illegal since the internet is a free world where no rules apply and you can post anything on it. And the own government let the information out, it was someone working for the government, maybe they should get better trusting personal and regulate who has access to the information. Wikileaks is a great sign of freedom of speech but I also say it’s the internet and governments aren’t allowed control over it unless they choose to be communist tyrants.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Could Playing "Call of Duty" Lead To A Successful Career?

Could Playing a first person shooter Lead To A Successful Career?

a recent review put together by researchers from the university of Rochester  found that action-oriented FPS (first person shooters) like COD (call of duty) and Halo may actually may actually help improve a person's cognitive functioning called visual attention. visual attention is tracking objects and labelling the importance of them. an example is driving and you see a kid playing by the road and a telephone pole, the kid is more important and unpredictable so its more important then the telephone pole. and the way FPS's help that is the tracking many objects at the same time. those in professions like a jet pilot and ground soldiers benefit from 'super-normal' visual attention. Laparoscopic surgeons have already been reported to benefit from video game training. they show shorter completion times and fewer errors. so FPS's may just benefit some in the future.

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Acer Outs New Tablets, 4.8-inch Phone, Dual Screen Laptop

Acer Outs New Tablets, 4.8-inch Phone, Dual Screen Laptop

acer is getting into the tablet market and that's a good thing for consumers since acer is one of the most aggressive companies when it comes to their pricing. they are scheduled to come out next year along with a 4.8 inch phone and a dual screen laptop. both the phone and the tablet will feature Android to power it. the tablet will feature a 1280x800 screen resolution which doesn't exist yet. the dual screen laptop called the Iconia will feature two 14 inch 1366x768 screens and be powered by windows 7 and Intel core i5. But with it weighing over 6 pounds it might not be that appealing to some. and the phone is going to come out with a 4.8-inch Android phone and a 1024x480 resolution which is very impressive for a phone. all of these are expected to be released sometime next year.

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Study: Video Games May Be Good for Your Health

Study: Video Games May Be Good for Your Health

A recent study has shown that playing video games can be good for your health and can reduce acute pain in children and adults. the new wii, xbox kinect and PS3 move are active games and get the player exercising. playing video games provides a distraction and movement for those who suffer from acute pain. the WII fit is a good game  to use because its like yoga and tai chi and those are proven good for removing pain.

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