Forms Characteristics Key roles
(function) Examples
3-News papers
1-to catch your attention with sound and video
2-junk emails, pop ups, and pictures and catchy words
3-printed pics and words titles to grab your attention
4-printed pics and words
5-fancey pictures and catchy quotes
6-pictures and graphics
7-sound waves transmitted over long distances 1-to get you to buy their products, to inform you, and entertain
2-to share info, advertise, and promote
3-inform people and advertise products or businesses
4-to inform, entertain, and promote products, businesses
5-avertising, and informing
6-to advertise
7-avertise, entertain, inform. 1-mcdonalds, ctv news, Toyota
2-games, Google, msn
3-valley news, valley ford
4-4x4, teen.
5-think before you dig, McDonalds
6-t shirts, tony the tiger, Kellogg
7-gulfs car wash, music, news
Def. of mass media- anything that transmits information to the general public.
Brands, fruit of the loom, quicksilver, Dc shoes, O’Neil,
Cotton underwear.
Surfing and modern wear, eco friendly, eco cottons
Skate boarding, racing, monster energy
O’neil, surfing, eco friendly appeal