Monday, December 6, 2010

Is about what wikileaks does and where the money from it comes from, it’s a non profit organisation and all the money comes from donations.  They release “cables” of information about any government and the inner workings. The governments say its sensitive information even through it’s on a computer and any moron knows computers get hacked….. I personally don’t think its illegal since the internet is a free world where no rules apply and you can post anything on it. And the own government let the information out, it was someone working for the government, maybe they should get better trusting personal and regulate who has access to the information. Wikileaks is a great sign of freedom of speech but I also say it’s the internet and governments aren’t allowed control over it unless they choose to be communist tyrants.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Could Playing "Call of Duty" Lead To A Successful Career?

Could Playing a first person shooter Lead To A Successful Career?

a recent review put together by researchers from the university of Rochester  found that action-oriented FPS (first person shooters) like COD (call of duty) and Halo may actually may actually help improve a person's cognitive functioning called visual attention. visual attention is tracking objects and labelling the importance of them. an example is driving and you see a kid playing by the road and a telephone pole, the kid is more important and unpredictable so its more important then the telephone pole. and the way FPS's help that is the tracking many objects at the same time. those in professions like a jet pilot and ground soldiers benefit from 'super-normal' visual attention. Laparoscopic surgeons have already been reported to benefit from video game training. they show shorter completion times and fewer errors. so FPS's may just benefit some in the future.

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Acer Outs New Tablets, 4.8-inch Phone, Dual Screen Laptop

Acer Outs New Tablets, 4.8-inch Phone, Dual Screen Laptop

acer is getting into the tablet market and that's a good thing for consumers since acer is one of the most aggressive companies when it comes to their pricing. they are scheduled to come out next year along with a 4.8 inch phone and a dual screen laptop. both the phone and the tablet will feature Android to power it. the tablet will feature a 1280x800 screen resolution which doesn't exist yet. the dual screen laptop called the Iconia will feature two 14 inch 1366x768 screens and be powered by windows 7 and Intel core i5. But with it weighing over 6 pounds it might not be that appealing to some. and the phone is going to come out with a 4.8-inch Android phone and a 1024x480 resolution which is very impressive for a phone. all of these are expected to be released sometime next year.

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Study: Video Games May Be Good for Your Health

Study: Video Games May Be Good for Your Health

A recent study has shown that playing video games can be good for your health and can reduce acute pain in children and adults. the new wii, xbox kinect and PS3 move are active games and get the player exercising. playing video games provides a distraction and movement for those who suffer from acute pain. the WII fit is a good game  to use because its like yoga and tai chi and those are proven good for removing pain.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

quick silver

simplicity and simple colors, and appealing to the public .

Monday, November 22, 2010


google: side advertisements,
1. ads for cuban and mexican wives,
3, they're saying its your dream wife and everyone is beautiful.

1. farmville
2. zynga
3. saying its fun with friends even tho to some people it might not be to them

apple website:
1. the ipad
2. apple
3. its "a gift that says its all"

Monday, November 8, 2010

watch 15.5 hours per

some questionare

1. 0 times last month.
2. Sub way cuz its yummy.
3. The grease, not knowing the ingreadients, the enviroment, i strongly dislike fat people.
4.  Giving little kids toys... and that doesnt effect me.
5. Less then once a month.
6. It has what i want.
7.  There have what i want and i dislike paying XD.
8. Enough.
9. Bored, entertainment, fav shows on.
10. The simpsons, american dad, two and a half men, they are entertaining to me.
11. I do not recall any.
12.  Its entertaining but it gets boring.
13. A bunch i dont care about because not like the world will end when im still alive.
14. Not that often...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Make Up a Myth and Win the God of War: Ghost of Sparta Bundle

Sony has now released a PSP god of war myth contest. all you need to get the limited edition PSP and god of war is create a myth. all it has to be is family friendly so keep it PG and keep it Greco-Roman and not have it anything else like Hawaiian volcano goddesses, no Norse deities in charge of thunder and lightning and no African celestial tricksters. create a charater and say how it'd play through.

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Bowling for Columbine essay

Bowling for Columbine essay

-media can be used for good and bad influences.
1. Around (50) minutes there’s an example of South Park, showing the creators view of the history of guns in America
2.  The presentation of the boy pulling out a bunch of guns (41-42) showing how easy it’s to hide guns, influencing fear
3. (57, 106) where racism is present
4. (58.50) killer bees, (56:00) sharks (55:00) the media showing fear.
The film uses media to show that media itself is a very powerful tool that has good and bad uses. Media can be used to influence the public and it can be in good ways or bad. They confronted K-mart about selling hand gun ammo in their stores. They went there with a jiggery camera and two people that were shot with the ammunition from K-mart. At first they didn’t listen to them but they came back the next day with the media along and the people at K-mart finally listened and promised the media and everyone else they would stop selling hand gun ammunition within 3 months of the promise.
Media can also influence people badly by influencing the public against a topic or view. The news clips the documentary showed, always had some fear in what they were saying. They showed shootings, robberies, and many times when they were showing the profile  of the criminal they’d a lot of the time say black male, 6 foot something ect… they wouldn’t say African American male. They were almost portraying that black wasn’t good but evil. They also showed an advertisement for a metal detector company and they showed how easy it is to take guns to school.  They showed that anyone could bring a gun and to be “safe” they should invest in metal detectors to be safe.

The media seems to be the key to violence in the U.S., especially since they’re the country with the highest death rate from guns. Canada has guns and so does the Germany but they death rate from guns is low, but they don’t portray as much fear in the media as the U.S. does. The movie had a montage of news footage showing outbreaks and scares in the U.S. media. It seems all they show is some kind of fear or violence. They also show animals as a bad thing; like sharks are horribly violent creatures even though when they attack a person it’s because they thought is was a seal or something else.
The documentary itself has a lot of influence on the viewer watching it. It uses every documentary tool out there to influence the audience to follow his idea he’s putting out there. Michael Moore uses interviews and the back grounds behind the people getting interviewed give off a sense of how it’s suppose to be taken. An example is the farmer being interviewed in his house where there are papers piled messily and coffee cups everywhere, while a police officer is interviewed in from of the county flag and an office background. Other times the back ground can give an image of intelligence. Every little detail the media has is thought through and planned carefully so it’ll influence the public just right.
It seems that the media can have a major influence on the public and since the media isn’t controlled nor have any guide lines they can pretty much tell you anything and people will believe it, and the media is different in every country so it seems to have a major influence on the violence and fear in a country. It’ll always be very influential.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sony Is Releasing A PS2 Bundle. No That's Not A Typo.

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Sony is re-releasing the PS2 in a bundle, it includes the PS2 console and Toy Story 3 the video game. the Toy Story game which was released back in june. the PS2 was released ten years ago, and not its getting released again. the whole budle (shebang) will be released on october 31 for a suggested price of MSRP of $99. which something tells me that Sony found a huge storeroom full of them.

Bowling for Columbine essay

Bowling for Columbine essay

-media can be used for good and bad influences.
1. Around (50) minutes there’s an example of South Park, showing the creators view of the history of guns in America
2.  The presentation of the boy pulling out a bunch of guns (41-42) showing how easy it’s to hide guns, influencing fear
3. (57, 106) where racism is present
4. (58.50) killer bees, (56:00) sharks (55:00) the media showing fear.
The film uses media to show that media itself is a very powerful tool that has good and bad uses. Media can be used to influence the public and it can be in good ways or bad. They confronted K-mart about selling hand gun ammo in their stores. They went there with a jiggery camera and two people that were shot with the ammunition from K-mart. At first they didn’t listen to them but they came back the next day with the media along and the people at K-mart finally listened and promised the media and everyone else they would stop selling hand gun ammunition within 3 months of the promise.
Media can also influence people badly by influencing the public against a topic or view. The news clips the documentary showed, always had some fear in what they were saying. They showed shootings, robberies, and many times when they were showing the profile  of the criminal they’d a lot of the time say black male, 6 foot something ect… they wouldn’t say African American male. They were almost portraying that black wasn’t good but evil. They also showed an advertisement for a metal detector company and they showed how easy it is to take guns to school.  They showed that anyone could bring a gun and to be “safe” they should invest in metal detectors to be safe.

The media seems to be the key to violence in the U.S., especially since they’re the country with the highest death rate from guns. Canada has guns and so does the Germany but they death rate from guns is low, but they don’t portray as much fear in the media as the U.S. does. The movie had a montage of news footage showing outbreaks and scares in the U.S. media. It seems all they show is some kind of fear or violence. They also show animals as a bad thing; like sharks are horribly violent creatures even though when they attack a person it’s because they thought is was a seal or something else.
The documentary itself has a lot of influence on the viewer watching it. It uses every documentary tool out there to influence the audience to follow his idea he’s putting out there. Michael Moore uses interviews and the back grounds behind the people getting interviewed give off a sense of how it’s suppose to be taken. An example is the farmer being interviewed in his house where there are papers piled messily and coffee cups everywhere, while a police officer is interviewed in from of the county flag and an office background. Other times the back ground can give an image of intelligence. Every little detail the media has is thought through and planned carefully so it’ll influence the public just right.
It seems that the media can have a major influence on the public and since the media isn’t controlled nor have any guide lines they can pretty much tell you anything and people will believe it, and the media is different in every country so it seems to have a major influence on the violence and fear in a country. It’ll always be very influential.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

FCC Wants Cell Carriers to Warn People Before Overages Occur

The FCC wants to make cell phone companies warn their customers before they go over their limit as in money or minutes, there has been over 750 overage complaints in the first year alone and the highest being $68,505. Over twenty percent of the overages were in excess of $1,000. The cell phone companies don’t want the new rule/ law because that’s where they make a lot of money, AT&T for instance, their cheapest plan is $40 a month for 450 minutes which is about 9 cents a minute, but once you go over the limit the price per minute goes up to 45 cents. And if you talk for about a 100 minutes then it’s easily more than your paying monthly. The FCC wants a warning to be sent before someone goes over, in the form of a text. The company’s say that’ll cost too much but the FCC will make their decision tomorrow on what will happen.

Monday, October 4, 2010

It's Official: Microsoft to Launch Windows Phone 7 October 11th

Windows phone 7 shall be launched October 11th at the "Windows Phone 7 Worldwide Launch Event" in New York City next Monday. The company will be showing off the new phone along with already existing Microsoft products. T-Mobile and AT&T will be also at the event show showing off the handsets for the new Windows phone. The event is just revealing the new phone and technology but the headsets won’t be out until the next year. Rumors have suggested that Europe will be the first to have handsets for the phone on October 21st, with US on November 8th.

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Thursday, September 30, 2010


Michael Moore's thesis is that the U.S.'s violent actions has shown the public that its okay to be violent, and their lack of gun control has caused alot more deaths.

Michael Moore supports his ideas with montages and interviews with people that are close to the drama involving the violence that has occurred, the montage of how many people were killed in the most developed countries around the world. the U.S. was at the top of the list. he showed a clip of how easy it is to hide guns on a person, and he showed the Columbine footage from the school video cameras which was archive footage. He also showed the bloody history of other countries  and even with their violent history they aren't as violent now. The creator  of south Park (the animation, which a clip was showed) created the show to relieve stress since he had a troubled past at the columbine school.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Cool Flip-Out iPhone Keyboard Coming in November

Thinkgeek has made a key board for the iPhone 4. It won’t work for the 3G though…. It has been priced at $50 dollars for it which is very reasonable. It has a build in battery so it won’t be stealing power from phone itself. It has been named the TK-421. It has been announced that it’ll be coming out 23rd. it uses Bluetooth to communicate with the iPhone.  It uses magnets to keep it from flopping around and it will also act as a case to protect your phone.  And it should be able to work with every feature but it might not support games unless the developers make the games to support the key board.

BY: Dylan
Info from:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010




Hydro proposal has gaps: Expert
Who: cliff smith
What: hydro proposal
Where: Saskatoon
When: September 9, 2010
Why: to figure out if the hydro proposal is really worth it
Bridge options unveiled
Who: city council
What: iconic traffic bridge
When: September 6, 2010
Where: Saskatoon
Why: trying to figure out what to do with the aging bridge
Man guilty of assault on SP columnist
Who: Charles Robert
Where: Saskatoon
What: charged with assault
When: Feb. 27
Why: to let people know he is a dangerous man that assaults people

Monday, September 20, 2010

Energy Drinks in Schools?

Energy Drinks in Schools?

Just recently schools everywhere have banned energy drinks from their grounds. The drinks are no longer allowed on school grounds due to the high levels of caffeine in them. Caffeine causes: increased urination, calcium loss, osteoporosis, increased stress or anxiousness, restlessness, nervousness, insomnia, flushed face, muscle twitching, stomach upset, agitation and irregular heartbeat and teens may feel the effects up to six hours  and because of those reasons school administrators have banned them from schools.
The part that doesn’t make sense though is that teens are still allowed to buy energy drinks but not drink them in school, so what they do is, they buy them at lunch time and drink them really fast so the effects take full effect right away making forth and fifth period classes worse for the teachers then before.
Since the school board cant stop teens from buying energy drinks the best thing they can do about the problem is to let teens slowly drink them during classes so the complete effects of the drinks don’t take effect right away making the students distractions to each other and the teachers. If the school board really wants to change the problem they’ll have to look much farther up the line and go to the government for help and regulations. The recommended amount of caffeine for teens is 100mg while a whole can, can contain up to 2800mg (Spike Shooter Double Shot).
So if a lot of planning and debating will have to take place in order for teens, school board administrators, adults, and government officials to agree on a plan that they can all agree with. But personally they should’ve have left it the way it was, because it worked and no serious problems occurred and the teens parents should regulate how much caffeine teens get not the school boards and government.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Conglomerate- is where two or more corporations that do completely different business merge into one corporate

Demographic- data characteristics from the human population used in government or marketing research

Early Adopter- or lighthouse customer, is an early customer of a companies new product or technology, politics, fashion, art, ect..

Coolhunting- is where companies pay people (researchers) to figure out what’s “cool” with the public and always are looking for the next cool.

The paradox of Coolhunting-is that it kills what it finds, once found it gets killed within months

Synergy- two or more agents working together to produce a result.

Horizontal Integration- is where a company tries to sell a product in many different markets.

Ancillary Markets-is paid TV and ads on cable or TV or satellite, companies sell their products to all markets to gain more profit.

The feedback loop- is where companies go to the public for “cool” ideas and the “in thing” then the public looks to the companies for the next “cool thing” cause and effect.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

relationships between McDonalds and Disney and viacom,sprite,MTV

McDonalds and Disney
-they were in it for over all profits
-McDonlds joined with them to become more successful
-targeted children
-free advertising
Sprite, MTV and Viacom
- targeted the younger public
-sold their idea's of cool to the consumer
-reseached into "cool"
-pays billions into research and advertising

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


what they own: CBS, The CW (formerly The WB and UPN), CBS Radio, Simon & Schuster, CBS Outdoor, Showtime, CBS Records, CBS Television Studios, Paramount Parks, MTV, Neopets, (a virtual pet website),DreamWorks (live-action film and TV studios), developer Harmonix (game designer), Bollywood (movie business), Atom Entertainment, partners with, News(Indian media company), Microsoft, Xbox live, MSN, Windows.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Forms Characteristics Key roles

(function) Examples



3-News papers





1-to catch your attention with sound and video

2-junk emails, pop ups, and pictures and catchy words

3-printed pics and words titles to grab your attention

4-printed pics and words

5-fancey pictures and catchy quotes

6-pictures and graphics

7-sound waves transmitted over long distances 1-to get you to buy their products, to inform you, and entertain

2-to share info, advertise, and promote

3-inform people and advertise products or businesses

4-to inform, entertain, and promote products, businesses

5-avertising, and informing

6-to advertise

7-avertise, entertain, inform. 1-mcdonalds, ctv news, Toyota

2-games, Google, msn

3-valley news, valley ford

4-4x4, teen.

5-think before you dig, McDonalds

6-t shirts, tony the tiger, Kellogg

7-gulfs car wash, music, news

Def. of mass media- anything that transmits information to the general public.

Brands, fruit of the loom, quicksilver, Dc shoes, O’Neil,

Cotton underwear.

Surfing and modern wear, eco friendly, eco cottons

Skate boarding, racing, monster energy

O’neil, surfing, eco friendly appeal